Cool Tricks!

Cool Tricks! Cool Tricks!

For this assignment we look to our friends at Yo Gabba Gabba! for some inspiration.

Cool Trick To Do List

1. Find something cool online that was clearly made in adobe illustrator.

2. Gather some info about your cool find and the artist who made it.

3. Create a new page and parent it under Cool Tricks!

4. Title the page: YOUR NAME’s Cool Trick

5. Add some images of your cool find to your page.

6. Add some links and information about your cool find to your page.

7. Tell us why you think your find is cool. What’s cool about it?

8. Examine your cool find closely. What tools did the artist use to make it? Do some internet research on a new tool (a tool that we have yet to talk about in class) in illustrator and post at least two web tutorials on how to use that tool. If you cannot find a tool that connects directly to your cool find, locate another cool new tool to post on your page.

9. Publish your Cool Trick page!

Not sure where to find cool illustrator tutorials? Start here, or here, or here

Feeling bad about yourself? Try this.


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